This is the he fabulous wedding celebration of Sarah & Tom who held their wedding reception at their family home in the Wirral. 

This was a special day for us as last year we also photographed Sarah’s sister – Katie & George’s wedding again at this spectacular home. It was so nice to be welcomed back into their family to document this most precious and fun day. 

Bridal Preparations in the conservatory

The day started with the bridesmaids and bride m in hair and makeup in the most beautiful conservatory where the girls enjoyed fizz and music to set the perfect vibes for the day. 

Meanwhile the wonderful team of suppliers expertly coordinated by Wedding Planner Charlotte Elise events were working hard to put the finishing touches to the marquee in the upper gardens. 

A particular highlight of the morning was Sarah’s sister and her Mum helping her put the finishing touches to her stunning look. It was an emotional moment and Sarah looked incredible in her wedding dress from the Knutsford Wedding Gallery. I particularly loved the white gloves which really added a touch of elegance paired with her stunning veil. 

It was even more emotional when Sarah had her first look with her father, and her bridesmaids reveal. 

Grooms Preparations at Thornton Manor 

Tom and his groomsmen spent the morning getting ready at the Thatched pavilion at Thornton manor. A great location on the Wirral that itself hosts weddings. The groomsmen enjoyed a relaxed morning and looked great as they were all dressed in black-tie. After putting in the button holes they headed to the pub for some pre-wedding ceremony drinks. 

The Church Wedding Ceremony

Sarah & Tom were wed at their local church. It was a very special moment as Sarah & Tom’s daughter walked down the aisle as a flower girl. 

During their ceremony they had a gospel choir which really got the party vibe for the day started before they had even walked down the aisle as husband and wife. 

Drinks Receptions and Canapé’s

After the church ceremony the wedding guests travelled to the family home and enjoyed the drinks reception and canapés overlooking the Wirral peninsula.  What a stunning setting it was for the guests to enjoy a relaxed cocktail hour and for us to take beautiful portrait photos of the family together. 

The Perfect Marquee Wedding Reception

When Sarah first saw the most beautifully decorated marquee she was speechless and brought to tears. The planning of Charlotte Elise, the design of Verdure Flowers and the many other suppliers was just perfect. 

Napkins waving in the air, Sarah & Tom danced into a wedding reception filled with their closest family and friends. It was such a great atmosphere that continued throughout the rest of the evening with performances by AM collective throughout the wedding breakfast which the guests dancing from the very beginning. 

The emotional wedding speeches brought everyone even closer together and were so touching. Some of my favourite wedding photos are taken during these moments. 

The wedding breakfast transitioned into the evening party with the most spectacular first dance in the stage.  

An Evening Wedding Dress Change

The bride changed into a wonderful evening dress and danced the night away to the fabulous entertainment. 

What a fabulous celebration it was a such a privilege to be a part of. Special thanks to Soven Amatya for assisting me at this wedding. 

Throughout this wedding it was very enjoyable to take analogue film wedding photos alongside our digital photography. The analogue photos give a beautiful nostalgic and timeless feel that really compliments this memorable day. 

If you are looking for a wedding photographer to capture your day with a natural yet timeless style please do contact me. 

About the author

Tobiah is a professional Wedding Photographer based in Manchester & Cheshire, England. He has photographed over 375 weddings throughout the UK & Europe.


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